
Showing posts from September, 2011

trying to find the meaning of love....

to love someone, to get love from someone & to think that what i have lived was actually love or the initial form of love or may be it was the illusion of love that is to keep yourself in the shell of your kind of thoughts and or being in that condition where you believe that whatever your eyes see are the only truth on earth.... i really don't know the slight differences among all those terminologies which people of today's world use very confidently and they use these terms easily with anyone to whom they can stick.... i think each one of us learn knowledge from his environment, his past incidents, his friends, family, society, experiences and of-course his own taste....  but the wisdom he earns only by the understanding of the conversation of thoughts, and these thoughts must be in its pure form; this may happens that the language of these thoughts is mute, may be sometimes these seem still but they must be dynamic in its still behavior, so basically this communicatio